Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise

The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise support emerging to mid-career immigrant professionals who have demonstrated exceptional achievements early in their careers.

Applications are now closed.

Biomedical Science

  • Three prizes of $50,000 each
  • Immigrant research scientists whose work exemplifies outstanding scientific accomplishment and represents a significant contribution to their area of research
Learn more about science prizes
Viviana Gradinaru with student, in white lab coats, conducting experiments at her lab at Caltech

Visual Art and Curatorial Work

  • Three prizes of $50,000 in visual arts and three prizes of $50,000 in curatorial work
  • Immigrant artists and curators who demonstrate outstanding early achievement in visual arts or curatorial work
Learn about prizes for visual arts and curatorial work
A person standing in front of a gallery wall with art works hung on it.

Selection Process

An open call for applications is announced annually; eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. Three winners are selected in each category through an application process juried by panels of experts in each field.